13 marzo 2022
| FreeTo qualify for the possibility of obtaining a scholarship for Valencia Endanza 2022. The organization will contact the participants to indicate the start and end time of the classes, as well as the payment of the audition.
Classical dance class with barre and center work.
Costumes: Girls: Leotard, flesh-colored socks and sneakers. Boys: Jersey, tights and shoes.
Classical Dance Teacher: PILAR MARTÍ – Artistic Director of Valencia Endanza
Accompanying teacher: JOSÉ RENOVELL – Accompanying teacher and musical coordinator Valencia Endanza
IMPORTANT: READ Terms and Conditions for the audition.

13 marzo 2022
| FreeTo qualify for the possibility of obtaining a scholarship for Valencia Endanza 2022.
The price of the audition is €20. To proceed with the payment, contact this phone number: +90 533 613 28 60
The organization will contact the participants to indicate the start and end time of the classes.
On this page you only access the reservation of the place.
Ballet class including Barre and center work, and neoclassical repertoire class with pointe shoes for girls.
Costumes: Girls: Leotard, flesh-colored socks and sneakers. Boys: Jersey, tights and shoes.
Classical Dance Teacher: PILAR MARTÍ – Artistic Director of Valencia Endanza
Accompanying teacher: JOSÉ RENOVELL – Accompanying teacher and musical coordinator Valencia Endanza
IMPORTANT: READ Terms and Conditions for the audition.